We brought to the notice of Ghanaians how Lawyer Afrifa has filed a motion in court against the Chief Justice in the 5 million dollars bribery allegations.
Per what has transpired over the last weeks since the news broke, it’s obvious there’s some cover up ongoing in the matter.
There seem to be a clandestine motive in play yo make the case a foolish case as no judge has been assigned to sit on the matter for the trial to commence.
Our Ghost Team has intercepted a WhatsApp message indicating Chief Justice refusing to assign a vacation judge to sit on the issue even though time for that to be has long expiredwithout any tangible reason.

Just as we have said, our leader Kevin Taylor’s name was mentioned in this whole brouhaha and that makes him a party of interest to the case.
We are following eveRoy single step of those involved in the case and would keep our followers and Ghanaians updated.