The ad is sponsored by Tax March, a grassroots coalition for tax reform, and is the final ad in a seven-figure campaign holding Donald Trump and four Republican senators accountable for the GOP tax scam bill, made worse by the $500 billion corporate bailout passed last month under the guise of coronavirus stimulus.
“With 13 percent of Mainers filing for unemployment insurance right now, and more than 1,000 cases of coronavirus across the state, Sen. Collins owes it to the people she represents to prioritize their livelihoods over corporate handouts,” said Tax March Campaign Director Dana Bye. “Small businesses are shuttering, nursing homes and community health centers are crumbling without necessary equipment and tests, and Maine families are struggling to make ends meet. If Susan Collins actually means what she says, she’ll bring forward legislation to provide relief for Maine’s struggling families and small business owners—not megacorporations and her wealthy donors.”
A few weeks ago, Collins met with Maine nurses, but failed to commit to providing them any concrete assistance. Meanwhile, she’s been touting her work as co-author of the Paycheck Protection Program, the program that’s come under fire because so many huge, publicly traded companies have been exploiting it while real small businesses can’t even get in line to apply.