And thank you, yogibear1963, for finding video of the RC car!
Anyway, this whimsical prop introduced a much-needed dose of sanity to the stupidest fucking event I’ve ever seen outside of a Trump COVID-19 presser.
Did it make the protesters stop and consider what they were doing? I doubt it. Viruses are actually very small. You might even call them an “invisible enemy.” Who knows if they even really exist? Sounds like a false-flag operation to me. Plus, if Trump keeps saying random things, maybe he’ll stumble on a cure—like with the proverbial roomful of monkeys banging on typewriters for eternity. Then again, we don’t have eternity. And, unfortunately, we don’t have a monkey as president. We actually have a shaved ape with a single bingo ball bouncing around in his hot air popper of a head, and he’s banging on a Fisher-Price xylophone.
So, yeah. In other words, we’re fucked, yo.
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