Directors-general at South African government departments will each contribute R30 000 to the Solidarity Fund to aid relief efforts during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to a circular from the Department of Public Service and Administration’s director-general, Yoliswa Makhasi, the Forum of South African Directors-General (Fosad) met on Sunday to discuss President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call on office bearers to contribute to the fund after he and his Cabinet and deputy ministers will donate a third of their salaries to the fund.
Director-generals will each have a total of R30 000 deducted from their salaries over a period of five months.
Other public servants who wish to contribute to the fund can arrange deductions from their salaries, or donate directly to the fund.
Every effort
Ramaphosa welcomed the Fosad’s decision, adding: “Every effort made to alleviate the devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, is highly appreciated.”
In light of these contributions, the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration committee chairperson Tyotyo James reiterated the call to all government employees, in all spheres of the government including government entities, to contribute to the fund.
“This is a time in South Africa where we all need to come together and pool our resources together to assist in the fight against this pandemic,” James said in a statement.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday the DA announced it would contribute R1.5 million to the fund.
DA MP Solly Malatsi said this financial contribution was drawn from the salaries of DA public representatives.